My very own garden beagle

My very own garden beagle
Some people have gnomes... I have beagles

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Progress photos

This post is a bit rushed, but I wanted to show some progress photos.

Production is ramping up in the food garden and it's really exciting! We've been eating a little something from the garden in each meal... even if it's just some spinach in our bacon and egg breakfast sandwiches this morning!
Here's how it's looking:

We now have several different types of tomatoes... my special colleague who I've mentioned before, gave me two seedlings of the yellow cherry tomato, which I'm excited about. They will join the red cherries (which are starting to turn red now, we ate the first three little ones the other day and they were bursting with flavour... tastes like a REAL tomato!)
The corn is starting to get tall as well... it's yet to flower because we put the seeds in a bit late, but it will catch up:

Here's the zucchini. People who say zucchini doesn't have any flavour obviously they haven't eaten baby ones picked straight off the bush. We're making zucchini and cheese slice this week... I've been waiting until they were big enough to harvest! If it turns out ok, I'll post the recipe.

Tonight we're having tabbouleh from the parsley you can see above. So, that's the progress. My neighbour says he can practically see the garden growing before his eyes! I think he might be right. I'm hoping to have enough produce soon to share with them!


  1. Beautiful. Our veggie patch is coming on so nicely with all this sunshine! If you love gardening and the power it can hold check out
    It's a wonderful web-based doco series about a community garden in Perth for SBS Food.

    1. Hi rcmg!
      All of a sudden my garden has gone crazy too... I think I will be eating green beans and zucchini every day now. I'm looking forward to the tomatoes. Thanks for the heads up about the documentary!

  2. Hi Pamela, LOVE your blog (read about it in the ST). Wonderful also to hear of someone else tolerant enough (okay, I really mean 'mad enough'...) to have two beagles! Mine are also keen gardeners... Thanks for the inspiration and happy harvesting!

    1. Hi Linley! Thanks for your comments. Beagles are just so cute, but so mischievious! Chilli and Mustard are quite well-behaved now (at age 7), though they have been known to eat about 5 kgs of cherry tomatoes straight off the vines, a few plants worth of jalepenos and 5 magnolia trees. My tactic now is to have the food garden in the front yard and the beagles in the backyard! I hope you get some ideas from the blog.
