My very own garden beagle

My very own garden beagle
Some people have gnomes... I have beagles

Thursday, 15 November 2012

For Remembrance...

Passers-by may have seen something a little odd on my verge the other day. That was me with a box of plants and a tape measure!

It was Remembrance Day and I was planting out a hedge of rosemary. The herb is an ancient symbol of remembrance and in olden times was thought to improve the memory.

Anyway... I got out on the verge and measured exactly 90cm between each plant and made sure it was in a straight line. Odd for me really... I'm usually much more of a 'near enough is good enough' kind of person when it comes to geometric accuracy. I was never very good at woodwork. Or Patchwork. Apparently you have to be really accurate for those types of jobs.

Although looking at this photo... it doesn't seem all that much like a straight line after all:

Anyway, six months from now, this will be a (somewhat) neat hedge that will provide a bit of a windbreak for the food garden! And of course plenty of rosemary for the lamb roast!

I'll put up some photos tomorrow of the garden progress... the corn is taking off, we're eating plenty of zucchini and spinach, a truss of tomatoes is blushing and we have tiny beans, that we will be picking in about a week!

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