My very own garden beagle

My very own garden beagle
Some people have gnomes... I have beagles

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Pretty in pig

Here he is:

I think he looks pretty fabulous in fuchsia pink, don't you?

This morning I woke to find another pig in my garden. My young neighbour sneaked across the wall before he went to school to put his pig in my corn patch:

Meanwhile, I've been busy harvesting like mad... the beans are producing roughly a handful a day and the peas a similar amount. And they're so tasty! You forget how flavoursome vegetables actually are, when they're picked fresh and grown naturally, as opposed to being pumped full of fertiliser to grow fast, giving them a high water content (which equates to less flavour), and stored or transported and then refrigerated before they hit your table. Here are the beans I harvested today:
Of course, that's too many beans for the four of us to eat (yes, the beagles eat beans!), so I put together a little package of peas, beans and zucchini for our neighbours and left it on their porch. (see below) They've been watching the garden with interest, so I think they'll be happy to taste the results. They said this morning that watching our garden grow has made them put more effort into their own. I like to inspire. 

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