My very own garden beagle

My very own garden beagle
Some people have gnomes... I have beagles

Friday, 2 August 2013

Meanwhile, on the verge...

You may remember that less than a year ago, we transformed the half dead and compacted patch of grass on our verge into this:

Then we added some pine bark and planted out some low-growing Australian native plant tube stock (scaveola, conostylis, grevillea, kangaroo paws) and it looked like this:


Well, nine months later the plants have grown, we lost a few and along the way we've planted some more here and there (knobby club rush, cushion bush, pimlea, banksia) and now it looks like this: 

I'm ready to add some more bird-attracting plants while we're getting good rains to help them settle in before summer. (banksia blechnifolia, eremophila Amber Carpet and decipiens, eutaxia obovata or bacon and egg plant, grevillea gingin gem and kangaroo paws Mangles and Pink Beauty) I expect that in another 12 to 18 months our verge will be a carpet of flowering native plants. Here's my tube stock:

Not only are the plants beautiful, they will provide a much-needed food source for native birds and bees in the metropolitan area. On top of that, I will hand water them through their first couple of summers and after that, they should be able to survive on rainfall alone. The tube stock, although small, does grow quickly and tends to settle in better than more established plants.
It's really important to provide food and habitat for our native animals and insects in the city. Imagine if every 10th house on our streets replaced their patchy, unmowed, ugly, water and fertiliser-guzzling lawn with a native verge garden. It would be like having thousands of acres of bush reserves in our cities. That could only be a good thing for our environment right?
Now, if I've inspired you to plant out your own native verge, even if it's just a couple of ground-covering grevilleas and a few kangaroo paws, stay tuned for my next post on how best to plant your tube stock!


  1. Whilst I know the ABC doesn't advertise Pamela I was wondering from where you purchased your tube stock? We did the same thing in 1982 but blowed if I remember from where~
    SereneBee in East Vic Park

    1. Hi there!
      Thank you for your message! I get my tube stock from the Kings Park plant sale, which is held about 4 times a year or Zanthorrea Nursery. I've also heard Lullfitz is a good nursery to get natives. I hope that helps and good luck. My verge is looking really sweet as the wild flowers start to come out now!
