My very own garden beagle

My very own garden beagle
Some people have gnomes... I have beagles

Saturday, 20 April 2013

My garden is on the telly!

The episode went to air this weekend, I was very nervous about seeing it! I was happy to see my wonderful neighbour made the final cut, as well as Chilli and Mustard, the beagles.

I've had some requests from readers who want to follow The Garden Beagle... so I figured out how to add the follow function. Just enter your email address in the "FOLLOW BY EMAIL" on the right of your screen.
And if you missed the show, watch it here:


  1. Awesome segment Pamela! You didn't look uncomfortable at all, quite at ease in fact! Thanks for the invite to follow your blog and to watch your garden grow :)

    1. Hi Jo,

      Thanks for your message! It didn't look as bad as I was expecting, so that's a relief!!
      Happy gardening!

  2. Hi Pamela,
    my mum (your Italian neighbour) told me about the 'chat' she had with you whilst filming.
    you both look great.
    thanks for being such a good neighbour to them, maybe someday we'll meet when I'm in the street.

    1. Hi Claudia!

      Thank you for leaving a message! Your mum talks about you a lot and her grand kids! Your folks have been so welcoming since we moved into the neighbourhood about a year ago and have been very good to us! We couldn't ask for better neighbours, not to mention they're teaching me all sorts of things about gardening... Now I need to learn her gnocchi secrets!
      I'm sure we'll get to meet you when you're in the neighbourhood.

  3. Great work. My nature strip is a vegetable patch and it is good for bringing neighbours together. Loved to see you encouraging others to do the same by doing a great segment on making a garden productive and beautiful. Good luck with the nematodes. Neil.
