My very own garden beagle

My very own garden beagle
Some people have gnomes... I have beagles

Monday, 4 March 2013

Tidy time

It is time for me to venture out early in the morning, before the heat sets in and tidy up the food garden. The advantage of having the food garden in the front yard is that you feel compelled to keep it looking vaguely neat looking, whereas if it had been in the back yard, it would have become an overgrown mess, not to be touched until Autumn.

Here is the garden before the tidy up:

It is a bit overgrown and starting to go to seed. It's time to rip out the tomato plants, and cut down all but one lettuce plant (I'll keep one to collect the seed from) The corriander seed heads are browning off, so I will definitely harvest those seeds, the lemon grass mound is so vigorous I found some chilli plants hiding in it. I'll wait until the heat passes to cut it back because it is providing some shade for the herbs underneath it. As I pull the old plants out, it's too hot to replant right now, so I cover the bare soil with another layer of lupin mulch to protect it.
I think I might try a late season tomato or two and see how they go. I always feel bad pulling out the spent tomato bushes, mainly because I know I won't have such delicious tasting tomatoes again for another year. On the other hand, I get a lot of space back to start planning my Autumn crops as the weather cools again!

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