My very own garden beagle

My very own garden beagle
Some people have gnomes... I have beagles

Sunday, 6 January 2013

What to eat when all you have is a garden

You know those days when you get home late after work, you haven't had time to do the grocery shopping and there's nothing in the fridge to eat? That's when the food garden comes in really handy.
We had one of those nights recently. So I went for a search in the garden, feeling a bit smug that I'd decided to put lighting in the patch. I picked a few things, some zucchini flowers (yes, we're STILL eating zucchini), some cherry tomatoes, some herbs... and whipped up a meal:

A few squares of puff pastry with some tomato relish on, a handful of tomatoes, topped with herbs and cheese, popped in the oven until the pastry was puffed and golden, made a nice dinner with the stuffed zuchini flowers on the side. Maybe not the healthiest meal I've ever whipped up, but it was delicious!


  1. Did you sprinkle some Chimichurri on it?

    1. Last night we had lamb on the bbq with the Spice West Carribean Meat Rub on... it was delicious! As a side we had diced tomato and cucumber (from the food garden) tossed in a mixture of Greek yoghurt and the Spice West Chermoula. Perfect!
