My very own garden beagle

My very own garden beagle
Some people have gnomes... I have beagles

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Nature strip

 Another job completed, crossed off the list and another set of strangers stopping to ask us about the garden while we were out on the verge raking mulch and planting the natives! Check out our progress:

Originally we planned to have eight of these old stone blocks and I was going to arrange them in a spiral shape, then plant amongst them. We lugged the first three, one at a time, in the wheelbarrow and dumped them on the verge. But when we went back for the remaining ones, which were half buried under a hedge... we realised why someone planted the hedge on top of them. They were enormous! Way too heavy for the two of us to even lever out of the ground! So, we now have three rocks on the verge, but I think they still look attractive, nestled among the red pine bark and surrounded by native plants.

We mixed in soil improver into the planting holes first, as recommended by Beyond Gardens. We planted a mix of Kangaroo Paws, Conostylis, Velleia (I don't know much about this species, I just grabbed a few at the plant sale and it looks quite sweet), Scaevola and for along the verge to spread into a nice mat of green, the Grevillea Gingin Gem.

They will have to be watered through summer this year, but after that, they should start to look after themselves. I think you'll agree it looks much better than a patch of dirt and weeds!

By the way, I'm on Twitter now, so if you want to follow me I'm @PamelaMedlen. Unfortunately, my Twitter account was hacked today and it appears I sent out messages to everyone in my list saying there were nasty rumours being spread about them. So apologies to anyone who got that message. DON'T open it!!!!

Ahhh, technology. At least in the plant world, I'm the one doing the hacking, and I know what to do to stop viruses!

1 comment:

  1. Wow so when you said yesterday you have done a bit of work in the garden you weren't kidding! Looks fantastic. I can't wait for future posts to see it all grow.
