My very own garden beagle

My very own garden beagle
Some people have gnomes... I have beagles

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

A long-term commitment

When we decided to sell up and move house a few months ago, I lost a lot of years of my garden. The  enormous passionfruit vine that had just started producing the most delicious fruit, an avocado tree that will probably start fruiting this year... as well as four dwarf apple trees, a nectarine, peach, two plums, a fig... the list goes on.

One thing I was not going to leave was my asparagus. Asparagus is a long-term investment. You plant it and watch it grow and have to resist the temptation to eat the spears for several years! I'm not joking. So the real estate agent was given strict instructions to tell any prospective buyers that the asparagus (I had to show him the ferny growth in the corner of the yard) was not part of the deal.

When we moved, I used the only spare hours I had to go back to our old house, carefully dig up the asparagus crowns, lug them back to my new house and plant them in quickly prepared rows.

The good news is, it survived!

Yesterday, I saw the first spears sticking out of the ground! My investment is paying off! Now my dilemma is whether I should harvest this year... Or leave it another season to settle in and regain its energy!

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